SUPPORT your athletic body as it ages to continue performing at a high level/capacity

Actively ENJOY what you love to do as LONG as you wish to do it.

Stay ahead of the natural physiological changes your body confronts over time.

Find a solution to pain derived from overuse of repetitive movement patterns.

Pilates addresses these topics effectively in a lasting way - placing the power with you.

It will change your life and your game.

How do I know?

Lived experience backed by scientific research.

Who is Katie Scarlett?

I am a professional performing artist and experienced movement coach of many disciplines ranging from classical ballet to aerial acrobatics. 

I have practiced Pilates as a cross training to my specific field for over two decades and am convinced this is one of the key factors to the longevity of my career- aiding the ability to perform at a high level/capacity throughout my third decade of life. 

An overuse injury sustained on contract as an aerial artist showed me how well this method can facilitate a journey back to peak performance. Completing clinical physical therapy, I felt weak and unequipped to return safely to the physical demands of an acrobat.  My friend Ky owned a Pilates studio making it possible to move forward supported by amazing practitioners. Those private sessions expanded understanding of my body’s ability to rebound while increasing strength and accuracy overall. That experience was invaluable to my recovery, changed how I perceived my moving body and led to my first certification to become an instructor.

I have been teaching Pilates now for over a decade!

As a younger artist the common belief was that a performing career would be brief due to the impact of consistent strenuous physical pursuits. Not quite buying into that mindset, I continued performing full time even after 40. Then the pandemic brought an abrupt stop to my performing life which led to changes and complications to my physicality along with some pertinent questions.

How do I continue to be strong, mobile and confidently moving as I choose in a body that is continuing to age? I don’t believe that we have to accept loss of mobility and strength or stop doing what we love simply because we are growing older. Adjustments in behavior are required to navigate these natural shifts. What does the body need to continue to feel great and function well whatever the chosen activity?

Katie Scarlett Contortion Handstand

Pilates has been an answer to me in challenging times of unknown, illuminating a way forward that is within myself and in my power.  Engaging consistently in this practice has supported my efforts to master diverse, extreme movement elements and is a foundation to my current quest to learn how to maximize the quality of movement while accommodating the natural physiological changes that time inevitably brings. 

I have experienced the benefits of an ongoing deepening understanding, and expanding awareness in my movement pursuits through Pilates, I look forward to guiding you toward the same empowerment in yourself and your body !

I will meet you there!

Cultivate movement

focused on


facilitated by


serving to



Pilates Swan Extension with Dive forward on Mat

How to Work with Me


    * beginner to advanced levels are welcome and suitably challenged.

We make choices everyday on where we will place our attention, time, energy and resources. Investing in your physical and mental well-being brings you invaluable and ongoing returns.

Kate has given me the tools to ground myself and be present in my body, strong and centered, a feeling and way of being that has impacted how I move through my days and life.
— Bree Rock

One hour of focusing your mind & body in alignment with breath & intention is only a small percentage of your day. Take that time to connect with yourself in a meaningful way.

Pilates with Katie Scarlett is my favorite part of the day. A moment to focus on myself and get into my body in a smart healthy way that makes living feel better
— Chloe Marvel Light

A Pilates practice as self-care will add to your engagement & precision in your other necessary & chosen forms of activity. It is a fantastic foundation & support for all movement!

Kate’s private reformer sessions are fantastic - highly personalized and my favorite method of cross training. I feel stronger and more capable than I did in my 20s!
— Lindsey Chizinski

Dive in and MOVE with me!